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Testosteron isocaproate Powder | 99.18% Test Iso Raw Steroidakne

» Steroids Powder » Testosteron Powders » Testosterone Isocaproate Powder | 99.18% Test Iso Raw Steroidakne

Testosteron isocaproate Powder | 99.18% Test Iso Raw Steroidakne

Testosteron Powders , , , , , , ,

chemische Daten
CAS-Nr: 15262-86-9
Reinheit: 99.18%
MF: C25H38O3
Aussehen: weiß kristalloider Pulver

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Kaufen 99.35% Reinheit anabolen Steroids Testosteron isocaproate / Test Iso / Test isocaproater Powder Online


Testosterone isocaproate Description

Testosterone Isocaproate is a hormone produced predominantly in the testes of males. Es ist das Hormon in geben ihre spezifischen Geschlechtsmerkmale Männchen. Die transdermale Testosteron ahmt die körpereigene natürliche rhythmische Freisetzung von Testosteron über einen Zeit-Release-Patch. Testosterone Isocaproate got its introduction to the steroid world by appearing in both Omnadren as well as Sustanon 250, the two most popular testosterone blends currently on the market. Along with Anadur, Deca-Durabolin, and Durabolin, this is an-other steroid containing the substance nandrolone. Testosterone Isocaproate is a favorite among athletes since it brings good results with few side effects.


Testosterone isocaproate Benefit

Testosterone Isocaproate is slightly androgenic with an anabolic effect, thus it strongly promotes the protein synthesis.

Testosterone Isocaproate does not strongly aromatize in dosages below 4 ml/ week.
Testosterone Isocaproate will help in increasing the body weight and will also help in gaining the strength

It also helps in losing fat in the body and gives an increase in libido, red blood cells, stamina and quick recovery after heavy training.

Testosterone Isocaproate is useful in increasing the synthesis of protein in the body, reduction of the cortisol, increasing the ability to recover especially after heavy trainings, increasing strength and helps the person gaining more mass.


Testosterone isocaproate Dosage

Testosterone Isocaproate can be taken in the form of injection. For beginners the dosage is recommended to be 250 mg/week which can be taken once or twice in the week. For professional body builders the dosage can be increased to 1000 mg per week as well.

Produktname Testosterone Isocaproate
Ref. Standard BP2009 Menge 56kg
Testgegenstände Spezifikation Testergebnisse
Beschreibung Weiß oder praktisch weißes, kristallines Pulver weißes kristallines Pulver
Identifizierung IR Spectrum/HPLC Positiv
Löslichkeit Praktisch unlöslich in Wasser,very soluble in acetone chloride,freely soluble in fatty oils Positiv
verwandte Substanz Impurities A,B,C,D,E,F,G ≤0.5%

Unspecifities ≤0.1%

Total ≤1.0%

Disregard limit ≤0.05%

Spezifische Drehung +82°~ +88 ° +85°
Trocknungsverlust ≤0.50% 0.21%
Free heptanoch acid ≤0.6ml bestätigt
Probe 97.0~ 102,0% 99.18%
Fazit The specification conforms with BP2009.

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